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07/13/09 08:53 PM #2    

Thomas Erie

Hello fellow polars. I saw Jean Anderson at a Community Emergency Response Team training session in NO ST Paul this spring. Fun memories. We were in confirmation together with her sister Judy. Maybe Rodney Nygren can check out Lakeview Lutheran church in Maplewood on CTY RD C and 61. It is ELCA.
Hi Sharon Smith. Yes, my brother Dean(74 polar)gives a lot of pain to his physical therapy patients. He did tell me he saw you. I had forgotten you were the class president. I think Ken Hedberg was in the mix too. Hope you are doing well. I will do my bio.
Tom Erie

08/05/09 01:56 PM #3    

Sharon Smith (Johnson)

Hi Tom Erie, ETAL: I am class VICE President. Ken is the Pres. Chris Funk is Sec/Treas. Can't wait to see my old buddies at the reunion. Will be fun!!!

08/25/09 08:21 PM #4    

Kenneth Halverson

Anybody going to North St. Paul on Friday to look at the old cars. If the weather is nice it's a very pleasant evening. I was thinking that rather than play guess which of the old people are classmates, it might be nice to have a gathering place on the street where we can circle back and forth around to start to get reacquainted. Does anybody know a place in North St. Paul that fits the bill. I was down there last year once to see the cars, so I am not very familiar with what is there. Looking forward to seeing you all during the weekend.

09/01/09 03:04 PM #5    

Judy Volk

Ken H. mentioned the Friday night car in downtown North St. Paul. I've been over there a couple of times this past summer. I live about one mile away so it's easy for me. Ken suggested we pick a place in town to meet the Friday night before the reunion. I went to North St. Paul last Saturday for a quick look to see if there was a location. It can get very crowded downtown on Friday nights but there is a parking lot between the Sidewinders Bar and the business Northern Frames that would be a possible spot. It's at the east end of town where it's a little quieter and there might be a little more space than out on the sidewalk. Anyway, that's my suggestion. In answer to Rod N's question (which it appears he asked 7 months ago, sorry for the delay), Keindel's was torn down a few years ago and an office building was built on the lot. The other day it appeared to be empty but I believe someone told me that the North St. Paul school district has rented space in that building.

I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone on the 12th!

09/02/09 08:44 PM #6    

Kenneth Halverson

Thanks Judy. You were always a kind and helpful person when you were in High School too. Look forward to seeing you over the weekend and my wife and I will be in NSP for the car cruz on Friday. Hope to see you then.

09/04/09 11:13 PM #7    

Keith Zimmerman

What is the mode of dress for dinner on the 12th?

09/06/09 06:28 PM #8    

James Edward "Jim" Benson

Am planning on being in NSP on Fri. also at the picnic on Sun. JIM BENSON

09/07/09 09:11 PM #9    

Richard Merry

Regarding Friday night in dowtown North St. Paul, besides Judy's great suggestion for a place to meet it might also be helpful if we tried to wear something with the school colors - at least something red. That might help let us pick out our classmates from all the other old people down there.
I plan to be there, but it will be later because I have a previous engagement to attend first.

09/10/09 12:50 PM #10    

Judy Volk

Keith Z. asked what type of clothing people would be wearing on the 12th on the cruise. I talked to a few people who are going and we agreed we would be wearing clothes that are some what casual. Hope that helps.

09/11/09 10:03 AM #11    

Sharon Smith (Johnson)

I am going to be in NSP tonight. Just posted a pic of the car. It's red, so I'll put a sign on it!!! See you there!..

09/13/09 09:08 PM #12    

Kenneth Halverson

I would like to thank Cindy, Rick and the other classmates and or spouses that took their time and talent to put this together. It was wonderful. Most of you I haven't seen in close to 40 years, but it was good to catch up on where life has taken us. I guess most of us ended up going through a different life than we imagined for ourselves when we were at North.

It's a strange and wonderful world we live in. Have a great year.

09/14/09 09:48 AM #13    

Sharon Smith (Johnson)

Thank You so much for setting up the reunion!!! It was so much fun to see everyone. Since the site will be up forever, we should try getting together once a year, for anyone who can make it. The boat was a great idea!!!

09/14/09 07:10 PM #14    

Jim Hubal

First of all, thank you for this wonderful web site and the great time on the boat. And yes, Sharon has a good idea. Maybe a mini-reunion(less formal gathering) would be an easy way to keep in touch with everybody. Even if it was "Let's all meet for coffee at ______" some of us might make it to something like that. And let's use this forum and pass the word to those who didn't know about it (like me) until now (as opposed to the CLASSMATES site which wants $$$$$.)

09/15/09 11:18 AM #15    

Richard Sheffler

Our site is now paid for the next few years thanks to several donations. We can keep it up for many more years by small donations of a dollar or so. I am willing to keep working on the site as an administrator so everyone will have a place to contact each other without having to pay 20 or 30 dollars per year membership fees. If you have questions or need help email me and I will try and help you find a solution. I had a lot of fun seeing classmates and hearing about things I did but cannot remember. If you have an idea for a mini reunion or just a get together, let me know and I can put that information on the home page as an announcement.

04/23/12 01:04 PM #16    

James Gray

This is James Gray. My Sister Jane Gray Severson Orr Class of 70 passed sunday morning  at 3am.

showing is at 6-8 pm at 

Waldo Funeral Home

619 n Travis



Funeral service is wen at 3:00 p.m. Morman church in sherman tx. 

                                                         Thank you.

09/13/15 04:21 PM #17    

Deborah Apman (Bartholomew)

To all 1969 classmates. I was really hoping to get more of a responce for this Thursday Sept 17 th. It would be a great time to see everyone in a casual setting and you can be home by 9. If you think you might be coming out please let Cindy know so I can have the right amount of food. Hope you will all try to make it. Deb Bartholomew(Apman)

09/14/15 08:03 AM #18    

Gerald Rehr

I'm at the NSP car show most Fridays.  I will be there this Friday for the last Show of this year.  I will have my WW2 Army Jeep parked by the VFW on the street.  Stop by and say Howdy I will be the Old Guy in the chair by the Jeep.


09/14/15 09:54 AM #19    

Cindy Mester (Schweizer)

Hi Deb

I'll be there for about an hour or so.  Unfortunately I have a retirement party to attend that night.

Cindy (Mester) Schweizer



11/19/15 11:28 PM #20    

Thomas Arndt (Quinlin)


Thanks so much for all of the energy you have put into the site.  I hope you can locate someone to take over the reigns. Best of luck in the future.

Thomas (Arndt) Quinlin

03/07/23 09:04 AM #21    

Thomas Arndt (Quinlin)

Hello Classmates,

It's been many years since I've posted, but I was going through the site today.  It brought back lots of memories.  I trust all of you are living full lives.  I now live in northern Idaho and run a modest business designing and manufacturing electrical generators powered by solar, wind and hydroelectric.  My life is full and have a small circle of very close friends (what matters most to me at this point in my life are the relationships I have with others). 

After spending most of my life as a city boy, it's most pleasant now that I live in a quiet rural area.  All my neighbors walk on all fours.  It's peaceful. 

Best to all of you.

Thomas Arndt (Quinlin)

03/08/23 01:32 PM #22    

Elaine Tooley (Johnson)

Hi Thomas

Where in northern Idaho are you? I'm in the other corner of the state,in south east Idaho, in Driggs. For the configuration of Idaho, we are just about a few states away from each other. Life does have a way of showing us just what is important to give a contented life, doesn't it?

Elaine (Tooley) Johnson

03/08/23 03:06 PM #23    

Thomas Arndt (Quinlin)

Hello Elaine, a pleasure to meet you.  I moved to Northern Idaho about 3+ years ago.  I live in Blanchard.  I have a small (but close) circle of friends.   I married about two years ago to a wonderful woman.  She has a farm down in Valleyford (just outside Spoke Valley).  I split my time between Blanchard and Valleyford.  I spend these days building a business I started about 3 years ago, and now have a manufacturing plant up in Ponderay (right next to Sandpoint).  (see here:  I also spend free time helping friends to defend themselves in court without an attorney.  I am currently helping close friends of mine getting their home off the property tax rolls, another friend suing the State of Idaho for wrongful imprisonment, and another friend getting out of bogus traffic citations.  Never a dull moment. 

All in all, I've met wonderful humans here in Idaho.  I have not been back to Minnesota since my parents died in 2009 (and I gave up on the Vikings years ago).  From what I hear from what's left of my family, it's not the same place it was back in 1969.  Perhaps that applies everywhere.

I read your bio.  Sorry to hear about the death of your husband.  But it sounds like you are living a great life, full of joy and purpose.  Thanks again for reaching out.  Of the three friends I hung out with at NSP, 2 (Dennis White and Jeff Cosser) have passed on and one (Bob Skeie) has retired and I have not been in contact with him for nearly 20 + years. 

The does pass so quickly. 

God bless.


03/08/23 03:10 PM #24    

Jean Anderson

Hello Tom, good to hear from you. I've never been to Idaho, though Elaine talked very well about it at our 50th HS Reunion a few years ago. My twin sister, Judy Anderson Zielinski, and I grew up very near Elaine and her family. Tom, did you live in Maplewood when growing up? We may have attended the same Lutheran Church, Lakeview Lutheran Church. Not sure. Judy and I both live in Maplewood. I now live in the home that we grew up in, and the neighborhood is really nice. I'm a retired county social worker, and love being retired. I do have a great four-legged friend, my cat, and other two-legged friends, family members as well. I hope you continue to be well,be safe, and be happy.
Jean Anderson

03/08/23 07:16 PM #25    

Thomas Arndt (Quinlin)

Hello Jean, I did indeed live Maplewood for a while in my sophmore year (near what used to be "Shoppers City".  I did not realize you had a twin sister. 

My sister Susan has lived in northern California (Quincy) with her husband john.  I have not been back to Minnesota since 2009.  I felt bad not being able to attend the 50th reunion, but I am grateful that that NSP site has allowed me to stay connected with that period of my long ago. 

I admit thatl, being a city boy most of my life, that I now so enjoy living in the forest, with a view of snow covered mountains and pristine lakes.  The pace is a bit slower, and I feel at peace here. 

Thanks so much for sending a note.  It always brings a smile to my face when I hear from my high school mates. 

God bless,


12/31/24 04:35 PM #26    

Corinne Monjeau (Marz)

Hello NSP 1969 Classmates 

Perhaps some of you remember Janet Salomonson.  She passed a 

number of years ago but as a physician and surgeon, she was involved in 

Roloplast International.  Janet lived in California and dedicated her life to

helping others and making their lives better.  Looking for a place to donate?

Please consider Rotoplast International - In Memory of Dr Janet Salomonson.

Sending best wishes to you all for a Happy New Year 2025!

Thank you

Corinne L. Monjeau-Marz

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